Verb tenses in French

First, French learners must understand what is le temps, what is mode.

In French there are 20 total (20 temps), distributed in 6 modes.

1. What are 6 modes?

6 modes are divided into 2 groups: mode personnel and inpersonnel mode

Mode personnel: The modes in this group are modes, but the tenses in these modes are divided by 6 units. This group includes 6 modes: Indicatif (8 temps), Subjonctif (4 temps), Condittionnel (2 units) and Impératif (2 temps)
Inpersonnel Mode: Tenses divided in modes do not have 6 players. In this group there are 2 modes: Infinitif (2 temps), Participe (2 temps)
And for today's lesson, let's learn French Cap France and learn 8 tenses in Indicatif, and 1 tense French

2. Tenses in Indicatif in French (Le Temps)

1- Le présent: describes an action that is happening.
For example: Je chante tous les jours

2- L’imparfait: describes an action that happened before, has not ended and does not specify a specific time.

For example: Je chantais quand il a commencé à pleuvoir.

3 – Le passé simple (rarely used, often only seen in writing): describes a sudden action.
For example: La pluie tomba brutalement

4- Le passé composer: describes an action that has occurred.
For example: Je suis allée au cinéma hier.

5- Le plus-que-parfait: describes an action that has ended compared to another action in the past.

For example: Je suis retourné [passé composé] à la plage où nous nous étions rencontrés [plus-que-parfait].

6 – Passé antérieur: Used with passé simple, to describe an action that has ceased compared to another action in the past. (Often used in academic literature)

For example: Quand il eut fini, il hurla

7- Le futur simple: describes an action that will occur.
For example: J'irai en France l'année prochaine.

8- Le futur antérieur: describes an action that has ended compared to another action in the future.

For example: Dès qu’il aura fini [futur antérieur] de pleuvoir, je partirai [futur simple]

Besides, there are 2 tiers that we often use to describe an action that just happened, or is about to happen.

1- Le passé récent: describes an action that has just occurred.

For example: Je viens de finir mes devoirs.

2- le futur proche: describes an imminent action.

For example: Je vais sortir avec mes amis ce soir.

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French verb pattern 1: L’infinitif (Original)
The skeleton you make any tense of the verb is the original form. This is when the word is not linked like parler.

For example:
J’éspère partir à midi (I hope to leave at noon)

French verb form 2: L’indicatif (specify)
Your general French conversations will have many common tenses under this category. This branch goes further into other concepts. Let's go through the indicated itinerary:

EXPLOIT. Forms of the past
– Passé Composé

The purpose of this tense is to talk about an action that has happened in the past, is incomplete or continues.
For example:
J’ai entendu la musique à la radio (I listened to music on the radio)

– Passé Simple

It is similar to the previous component except that it is used in more formal situations.
For example:
Tu voyageais? (Did you travel?)

– L’imparfait

Use this to describe actions that are repeated, continued, incomplete, or habitual.
For example:
Nous finissions notre nourriture quand le téléphone a sonné (We are finishing our food when the phone rings)

– Passé antérieur (Past tense)

Although rarely used in conversations, literary texts are made more subtle through this tense.
For example:
Si seulement elle avait participé (If only she attended the program)

– Le plus-que-parfait (Past perfect tense)

This is used when talking about one action that takes place before another.
For example:
Si seulement elle avait participé, ils auraient vu son talent (If only she were to join, they would see her talent)

EXPLOIT. Simple tense
– Présent (Present tense)

Whether you talk about the truth, the action is repeated or an event is currently happening.
For example:
Elle prend ses propres photos (She takes a picture of herself)

EXPLOIT. Future pattern
– Futur (Future tense)

Any action that is likely to happen in the future is referred to through this concept.
For example:
J’étudierai une fois mon ami parti (I will learn when my friend leaves)

– Le futur antérieuer (Future history)

If we know that a certain action will be completed at a certain time in the future, we will use this tense to talk about it.
For example:
Quand il aura vu ses parents, il se sentira mieux (When he sees his parents, he will feel better)

French verb pattern 3: Le participe présent (Current section)
o Le participe présent can replace the relation "rule":

• C’est un sportif qui a des qualités techniques rares. => C’est un sportif ayant des qualités techniques rares.

o Can express the cause, can replace in the case of "comme", "étant donné que":

• Comme is a tomboeit pluie on a fort, nous avons dû rentrer.

• La pluie tombant très fort, nous avons dû rentrer.

• Étant donné qu’elle a vector en Asie, elle situe souvent ses romans dans cette région.

• Ayant vector en Asie, elle situe souvent ses romans dans cette région.

For example:
Elle lisait en mangeant (She reads while eating)

French verb pattern 4: L’impératif (Required)
If you have an order to show, the compulsive mood is your best friend. Only tu, nous, vous are the verb forms used.

For example:
Prenons un taxi! (Let's take a taxi!)

French verb form 5: Le conditionnel (Conditional)
When talking about an idea or opinion that depends on 'conditions', this verb form is used.

EXPLOIT. Past form
– Le passé première forme (First model)

Sometimes there are situations that may have happened in the past but for some reason, it did not happen.
For example:
Nous serions sortis si nous n’avions pas cours (We will go out if we don't have class)

– Le passé deuxième forme (Second form)

This form is primarily a hero in literature. Choose a novel in French and try this search. The definition is similar to the first form.
For example:
Si je l’eu su, je ne l’aurais pas pris différemment (If I had known, I would not have taken it the other way)

EXPLOIT. Simple tense
– Le present

Setting a past condition may be.
For example:
Elle achèterait si elle pouvait (She will buy if possible)

French verb form 6: Le subjonctif (Subjugated)
Your feelings or opinions deserve their own grammar. Remember the word 'auxiliary' that these things are mostly in sub-clauses and the suggestion to identify them in French is to search for 'que' (That / that).

EXPLOIT. Forms of the past
– Passé of the subjugation

For an action to have occurred.
For example:
Elle est ravie que tu sois venu à la fête (She was happy when you came to the party)

– Imparfait of submission

An action that has been commanded or must occur is described with this tense. It is rarely used.
For example:
Il fallait qu’elle retired parlât (It is necessary that she talks to him)

– Plus-que-parfait of submission

Another aspect that's rarely used but doesn't hurt to know especially if you're a literary enthusiast.
For example:
J’eusse aimé te voir (I really want to see you)

EXPLOIT. Simple tense
Showing an emotion of judgment in the present.

For example:
Nous voulons qu’il soit heureux (We want him to be happy)

Now that you have the power of verb forms in your hand, use it through diving deeper into each category. See you next chapter!

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